Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Fast Forward Festival

By Semyon Kyslyi, scholar at the Deutsches Theater, Berlin, Germany

This festival gave me a lot of impressions and themes for reflection. The opportunity to see the work of various theatrical collectives from Europe. And the opportunity to talk directly with the creators of the performances, to find out how they work. This makes it possible to go beyond the theatrical context of one's own country. And look at the theater for a new vision. This is what the festival gave me. I watched 6 performances and all of them were completely different. Different in esthetic, utterance but at the same time equally interesting. Each country has its own tradition of theater. Each group represented its search in the theater zone. But I was personally inspired by the fact that all the young directors I saw at the festival wanted to talk about something important for them. Of course the abundance of different forms and styles of the theater, gives the opportunity to learn and expand own horizons. To inspire and realize my own potential. But for me the most important was the realization that a real dialogue and cultural exchange can occur when our statement in the theater is based on issues that are really important, first of all for ourselves. Then it gives me an impulse to interact and participate in a topic that the theatrical collective raises, no matter what form they choose or in what language they speak. Truth and beauty are international!

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